Our services

The Police Education Consortium deploys its significant collective expertise and experience in police education to establish highly effective partnerships with police employers to train the high-quality and professional officers needed by the communities they serve. A key strength of all police education programmes provided by the Consortium is that they are grounded in professional practice, where the operational policing environment is the primary site of learning.

Our programmes
Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA)
The Consortium works closely with police service partners to design, develop and deliver College of Policing licenced PCDA programmes which equip student officers with the professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required to meet the complex demands of modern policing.
Key strength
A sector leading and highly innovative approach to integrating the assessment of Independent Patrol Status (IPSP) and Full Occupational Competence (FOC) within the assessment of programme modules.
Successful completion of this Degree Apprenticeship will include:
A BSc (Hons) in Professional Policing Practice
An Apprenticeship Certificate demonstrating that the national Apprenticeship Standard for full occupational competence as a Police Constable has been met
Becoming accredited as a fully operationally competent Police Constable.
Degree Holder Entry Programme (DHEP)
The Consortium works closely with police service partners to design, develop and deliver College of Policing licenced DHEP programmes which build on the learning achieved by gaining a degree qualification to develop the professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required to meet the complex demands of modern policing.
Key strength
Sector leading and highly innovative approach to integrating the assessment of Independent Patrol Status (IPS) and Full Occupational Competence (FOC) within the assessment of programme modules.
Successful completion of this Programme will include:
A Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing Practice
Becoming accredited as a fully operationally competent Police Constable.
Detective Degree Holder Entry Programme (DDHEP)
The DDHEP programmes provided by the Consortium have the same structure and modules as DHEP programmes but also provides the opportunity to include PIP1 and PIP2 training as well as the National Investigators’ Examination (NIE) preparation and exam.
Key strength
Programmes integrate the opportunity to gain national recognition through the NIE.
Successful completion of this Programme will include:
A Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing Practice (Detective)
Becoming accredited as a fully operationally competent Police Constable.